Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chancelorsville Battlefield

Today was the day to tour the Chancelorsville Campaign area. The visitor center was very nice and the film shown was very good and factual. The Battle of Chancellorsville
April 30-May 6, 1863 On April 27, 1863 – three days before the historic Battle of Chancellorsville – Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker led the V, XI, and XII Corps on a campaign to turn the Confederate left flank by crossing the Rappahannock and Rapidan Rivers above Fredericksburg. Passing the Rapidan via Germanna and Ely’s Fords, the Federals concentrated near Chancellorsville on April 30 and May 1. The III Corps was ordered to join the army via United States Ford. Sedgwick’s VI Corps and Gibbon’s division remained to demonstrate against the Confederates at Fredericksburg. In the meantime, Lee left a covering force under Maj. Gen. Jubal Early in Fredericksburg and marched with the rest of his army to confront the large Federal force. As Hooker’s army moved toward Fredericksburg on the Orange Turnpike, they encountered increasing Confederate resistance. Hearing reports of overwhelming Confederate force, Hooker ordered his army to suspend the advance and to concentrate again at Chancellorsville. Pressed closely by Lee’s advance, Hooker adopted a defensive posture, thus giving Lee the initiative. After learning that the Union left flank was "hanging in the air", Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson settled upon a highly aggressive plan that would march Jackson's forces around the Union positions and onto that exposed flank.  After a hard and dusty march on May 2, Jackson's column reached its jumping off point for their attack upon the unsuspecting Federal left flank. At 5:20 pm, Jackson’s line surged forward in an overwhelming attack that crushed the Union XI Corps. Federal troops rallied, resisted the advance, and counterattacked. Disorganization and darkness ended the fighting. While making a night reconnaissance, Jackson was mortally wounded by his own men and carried from the field - a serious blow to the Army of Northern Virginia. J.E.B. Stuart took temporary command of Jackson’s Corps. On May 3, the Confederates attacked with both wings of the army and massed their artillery at Hazel Grove. This finally broke the Federal line at Chancellorsville. Hooker withdrew a mile and entrenched in a defensive “U” with his back to the river at United States Ford. On the night of May 5-6, after Union reverses at Salem Church, Hooker crossed to the north bank of the Rappahannock. This battle is considered by many historians to be Lee’s greatest victory.

Fredericksburg Battlefield Area

Today was the Fredericksburg Campaign area. We started out at Massaponox Church, then to Spotslvania, Wilderness Battlefield, Chancelersville, and then back to Fredericksburg.

Malvern Hill Battlefield

Today we road out to the Malvern Hill Battlefield site. It was amazing. There was a battery of cannon that faced the field and I got some great pictures. Then it was over to the Parsonage to view the remains of what would have been a beautiful homestead. Then it was out to Monument Blvd. to view the monuments on the street.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Richmond Battlefields

Today was the day to go to the Museum of the Confederacy and the White House of the South. This was an unbelievable experience. I spent about 2 hours in the museum and an hour in the White House. The house was a very moving experience . The guide was very knowledgeable and answered every question that was thrown at him. Next stop was Cold Harbour Battlefield.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Appomattox Court House

Today was the first day of the Civil War Trail. We visited Appomattox Court House where Lee surrendered his troops to Grant at McLean House.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

West Virginia

Left for West VA. on Tuesday. Spent the night at a state park in Beckley, WV. up early the next morning to head for Appomattox Courthouse, VA.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Going Home

We decided to return home to get ready for the next trip over to Virginia. We visited General Butler's mansion and then headed for home.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Spending The Day In Madison, Indiana

We enjoyed a very good lunch of soup and sandwich at the Downtowner. We ate out on the sidewalk which was very nice.

We drove over to Madison to meet Beth and Paul, spend the day going to the shops and eating lunch.

Travel To General Butler State Park

We left yesterday for General Butler to shake the cobwebs out of Madeline. So far she works just fine.